Data Management & Governance

Data Management & Governance

How can DEP integrate and analyze disparate data sets to drive business strategies, deliver capital construction projects, optimize critical data models, and better protect people & infrastructure?

Applications due August 1, 2024

Sunset over the Ashokan Reservoir in New York
Sunset over the Ashokan Reservoir in New York
NYC DEP worker wearing a hard hard and yellow safety vest

Technologies may include but are not limited to solving the following use cases

  • Tools to enhance online customer engagement for electronic billing/auto-pay enrollments and reduce call center load (e.g., AI chatbots) 

  • Tools to expand existing public communication initiatives (e.g., notifying residents about wastewater discharge, lead, etc.) 

  • Tools to enable real time routing and prioritization of work tickets based on geospatial factors and business needs

  • Video monitoring and alerting tools with minimal bandwidth requirements to enhance realtime remote security initiatives

  • User friendly data integration tools to improve reporting, workflow processing, and trend analysis of operational data, energy auditing and energy conservation measures (ECM), and procurement process management 

  • Augmented reality, digital twin, blockchain, and quantum computing tools to analyze, detect, and inform sewer main breaks, water demand, equipment training, and construction projects 

  • Cyber and operational technology security tools to minimize false threats, categorize threat incidents, and protect hardware 

  • Project tracking tools for engineering capital programs including long term analysis of infrastructure affected, budget tracking, and supply chain dependencies Construction management tools to record track construction work on site, record designs of completed work (as-built conditions), and map ongoing infrastructure projects 

  • Worker and pedestrian safety tools for construction sites (e.g., security/surveillance automation, safety alerts, air/noise monitoring, etc.) 

  • Enhanced structural calculation tools (e.g, BIM model clash detection or building code acceptance criteria) 

  • Technologies, like RFID tracking, to accurately identify and track physical assets (rain gardens, fire hydrants, catch basins, etc.)

Information Session

Information Session

Information Session

Learn more about the Environmental Tech Lab, the application process, and hear from the NYC Department of Environmental Protection.


How the Lab Works

The Environmental Tech Lab is a collaboration between the NYC Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the New York City Partnership Foundation, the nonprofit affiliate of Partnership Fund for New York City. 

We provide companies with expedited paths to testing, expert feedback, access to key decision makers from DEP, and an accelerated go/no-go decision. Companies with exceptional use cases will be selected for a yearlong pilot with the agency.


June 3, 2024

June 3, 2024

June 3, 2024

Challenge Announcement

Challenges are announced based on DEP leadership’s goals and priorities.

June 3-August 1, 2024

June 3-August 1, 2024

June 3-August 1, 2024

Open Application

Growth-stage companies apply online, detailing evidence of product-market fit.

August 2024

August 2024

August 2024

Evaluation Period

DEP and private sector experts from water and sustainability sectors review applications.

September 10-12, 2024 (NYC)

September 10-12, 2024 (NYC)

September 10-12, 2024 (NYC)

Semi-Finalist Pitch & Demo Day

Select companies are invited to New York City to pitch to a panel of private sector and DEP evaluators

Select companies receive an invite to participate in an expo-style Demo Day aimed at exposure to a wider audience at DEP 

September 23, 2024 - October 18, 2024

September 23, 2024 - October 18, 2024

September 23, 2024 - October 18, 2024

Preparation for Proof of Concept

Confirmation on scope of work for the Proof of Concept, as well as administrative tasks around cybersecurity and insurance is  completed before the Proof of Concept starts. 

October 21, 2024 - December 20, 2024

October 21, 2024 - December 20, 2024

October 21, 2024 - December 20, 2024

Proof of Concept

Proof of Concepts are launched, where a minimal viable test is conducted with DEP.

January 14-15, 2025 (NYC)

January 14-15, 2025 (NYC)

January 14-15, 2025 (NYC)

Finalist Presentations

Finalists present findings to DEP Leadership in New York City.

April 2025-2026

April 2025-2026

April 2025-2026


Select companies engage in a yearlong Pilot demonstrating technology at scale.

Terms & Conditions

Please review our Terms & Conditions which govern participation in the Environmental Tech Lab. 

Please review our Terms & Conditions which govern participation in the Environmental Tech Lab. 

Please review our Terms & Conditions which govern participation in the Environmental Tech Lab.